Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Which authentication mechanism allows you to connect to the database using the SYSDBA privilege?

You are logged on to a client. You do not have a secure connection from your client to the host where your Oracle database is running. Which authentication mechanism allows you to connect to the database using the SYSDBA privilege?
A. Control file authentication
B. Password file authentication
C. Data dictionary authentication
D. Operating system authentication

Answer: B

Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name, prior to setting the DataSource, to display data in the combo box?

DataTextField property.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

To test a Web service you must create a Windows application or Web application to consume this service?

False, the web service comes with a test page and it provides HTTP-GET method to test.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What is ViewState?

ViewState allows the state of objects (serializable) to be stored in a hidden field on the page. ViewState is transported to the client and back to the server, and is not stored on the server or any other external source. ViewState is used the retain the state of server-side objects between postabacks.

Friday, September 25, 2009

What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState?

Item stored in ViewState exist for the life of the current page. This includes postbacks (to the same page).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What does the "EnableViewState" property do? Why would I want it on or off?

It allows the page to save the users input on a form across postbacks. It saves the server-side values for a given control into ViewState, which is stored as a hidden value on the page before sending the page to the clients browser. When the page is posted back to the server the server control is recreated with the state stored in viewstate.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What are the different types of Session state management options available with ASP.NET?

ASP.NET provides In-Process and Out-of-Process state management. In-Process stores the session in memory on the web server. This requires the a "sticky-server" (or no load-balancing) so that the user is always reconnected to the same web server. Out-of-Process Session state management stores data in an external data source. The external data source may be either a SQL Server or a State Server service. Out-of-Process state management requires that all objects stored in session are serializable.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to create a package for web application with components that shared with other applications?

Create a setup project which produces a .msi file.
A shared component assembly must be given a strong name using the following steps:
1. Create a key pair using sn.exe -k on the command line
2. Add AssemblyKeyFileAttribute to the assembly file and set it to the full name and path of the key file generated in step 1.
3. Build the assembly
The setup program detects a strong named assembly and installs it into GAC on the client machine.

Monday, September 21, 2009

what is .net frame work?

.Net framework is an environment provided on top of the OS which looks into
1. Memory management
2. Thread management
and provides
1. Language independence
2. Platform independence
It is defined by Microsoft as 'an environment for building, deploying and running web services and other applications. It consists of three main parts -- CLR, framework classes and ASP.Net'
.Net facilitates integration of code written for desktop applications with code written for web applications. It also facilitates creation of assemblies from code files written in different .net languages. It provides a common type system (CTS) for bringing data types of all languages on a common platform.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What is difference between Authentication and Authorization?

Authentication-->Checking the validity.Ex:A creditcard validation by Verisign.It is called authenticating the CreditCard

Authorization-->Giving some rights -Ex:I authorize mr.Rahul to sign some papers realted with my bank accounts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Explain Assemblies?,Difference between Panel and GroupBox?,Differences between ASP and ASP.NET

Assemblies are single deployable unit which consist of classes structures and interface.they consist of metadata which desrcibes assembly version ,name ,type etc. They are known as logical DLL's .
panel are scrollable and in panels captions can not be displayed.
it is vice versa incase of group box

Asp is not compiled that is interperated where as ASP.net is compiled.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions. An assembly is a collection of types and resources that are built to work together and form a logical unit of functionality. An assembly provides the common language runtime with the information it needs to be aware of type implementations. To the runtime, a type does not exist outside the context of an assembly.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What is the Subquery ?

Sub query is a query whose return values are used in filtering conditions of the main query.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What is the difference between excute query and excute nonquery.?

Execute Query is the method which is used to return the result of the command like select Query. That is Update Query. The Execute Non Query
is used to return the Query os the statement like the update Delete Insert which returns No data

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Whats the use of @ Register directives ?

@ Register Associates aliases with namespaces and class names for concise notation in custom server control syntax.
<%@ Register tagprefix="tagprefix" Namespace="namespace" Assembly="assembly" %><%@ Register tagprefix="tagprefix" Tagname="tagname" Src="pathname" %>
Attributes tagprefix An alias to associate with a namespace.
tagname An alias to associate with a class.
Namespace The namespace to associate with tagprefix.
Src The location (relative or absolute) of the declarative User Control file to associate with the tagprefix:tagname pair.
Assembly The assembly in which the namespace that you are associating with tagprefix resides.
Note The assembly name does not include a file name extension.

Monday, September 14, 2009

In DataGrid, is it possible to add rows one by one at runtime. That means after entering data in one row next row will be added.

Yes, for this you have to use datatable and after inserting the first row in datatable u have to bind that datatable to the grid and next time , first u have to add the row in datatable and next bind it to datagrid. keep on doing.
u have to maintain the datatable state

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can you edit data in the Repeater control?

No, it just reads the information from its data source.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whats MSIL, and why should my developers need an appreciation of it if at all?

MSIL is the Microsoft Intermediate Language. All .NET compatible languages will get converted to MSIL. MSIL also allows the .NET Framework to JIT compile the assembly on the installed computer.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Explain what a diffgram is, and a good use for one?

The DiffGram is one of the two XML formats that you can use to render DataSet object contents to XML. A good use is reading database data to an XML file to be sent to a Web Service.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Describe the difference between inline and code behind.

Inline code written along side the html in a page. Code-behind is code written in a separate file and referenced by the .aspx page.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Whats an assembly?

Assemblies are the building blocks of the .NET framework. Overview of assemblies from MSDN

Friday, September 4, 2009

Can you explain what inheritance is and an example of when you might use it?

When you want to inherit (use the functionality of) another class. Example: With a base class named Employee, a Manager class could be derived from the Employee base class.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What are the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines used for?

This is where you can set the specific variables for the Application and Session objects.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is the Global.asax used for?

The Global.asax (including the Global.asax.cs file) is used to implement application and session level events.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Can you explain the difference between an ADO.NET Dataset and an ADO Recordset?

Valid answers are:
· A DataSet can represent an entire relational database in memory, complete with tables, relations, and views.
· A DataSet is designed to work without any continuing connection to the original data source.
· Data in a DataSet is bulk-loaded, rather than being loaded on demand.
· There's no concept of cursor types in a DataSet.
· DataSets have no current record pointer You can use For Each loops to move through the data.
· You can store many edits in a DataSet, and write them to the original data source in a single operation.
· Though the DataSet is universal, other objects in ADO.NET come in different versions for different data sources.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect? Why would I choose one over the other?

Server.Transfer transfers page processing from one page directly to the next page without making a round-trip back to the client's browser. This provides a faster response with a little less overhead on the server. Server.Transfer does not update the clients url history list or current url. Response.Redirect is used to redirect the user's browser to another page or site. This performas a trip back to the client where the client's browser is redirected to the new page. The user's browser history list is updated to reflect the new address.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Should user input data validation occur server-side or client-side? Why?

All user input data validation should occur on the server at a minimum. Additionally, client-side validation can be performed where deemed appropriate and feasable to provide a richer, more responsive experience for the user.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What type of code (server or client) is found in a Code-Behind class?

The answer is server-side code since code-behind is executed on the server. However, during the code-behind's execution on the server, it can render client-side code such as JavaScript to be processed in the clients browser. But just to be clear, code-behind executes on the server, thus making it server-side code.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?

Server-side code executes on the server. Client-side code executes in the client's browser.

Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?

Server-side code executes on the server. Client-side code executes in the client's browser.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Suppose you want a certain ASP.NET function executed on MouseOver for a certain button. Where do you add an event handler?

Add an OnMouseOver attribute to the button. Example: btnSubmit.Attributes.Add("onmouseover","someClientCodeHere();");

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What’s a bubbled event?

When you have a complex control, like DataGrid, writing an event processing routine for each object (cell, button, row, etc.) is quite tedious. The controls can bubble up their eventhandlers, allowing the main DataGrid event handler to take care of its constituents.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain?

It can contain many classes.

When during the page processing cycle is ViewState available?

After the Init() and before the Page_Load(), or OnLoad() for a control.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service?

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is the preferred protocol.

What methods are fired during the page load?

Init() - when the page is instantiated
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - when page finishes loading.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What does WSDL stand for?

Web Services Description Language.

What’s the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?

Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What do you mean by authentication and authorization

Simple answer to this is as follows Authentication is process of finding whether the user is valid.Example username and password u enter in mail page.That process is authentication Authorization is the process of holding rights for particular task.Example: Usually admin have right to install software in companies and others are not granted this right.

Describe the role of inetinfo.exe, aspnet_isapi.dll andaspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process.

inetinfo.exe is theMicrosoft IIS server running, handling ASP.NET requests among other things.When an ASP.NET request is received (usually a file with .aspx extension), the ISAPI filter aspnet_isapi.dll takes care of it by passing the request tothe actual worker process aspnet_wp.exe